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    Family Law

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    Criminal Law

    Our Profile



    Our lawyers

    Einar Aufurth

    Miriam Frieding

    Sophie* Horstmann

    Carolin Kaufmann

    Christine Lüth

    Yaşar Ohle

    Dr. Lukas Theune

    Hanna Übach

    Legal Office Partnership

    Anna Münzner

    Thomas Jennissen

    Former Lawyers

    Lisa Lührs

    Einar Aufurth
    Criminal Law Specialist

    Legal Attorney Mr. Einar Aufurth has been working in Berlin since 2015 as a criminal defense lawyer as well as in the field of Social Law. In Criminal Law, he specializes in juvenile justice.

    In the field of Social Law, he primarily represents clients who are seeking benefits to secure their livelihood (SGB II— Hartz 4 and SGB XII— social assistance).

    Einar Aufurth completed his legal training at the Free University of Berlin and the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, followed by a legal clerkship at the Berlin Court of Appeal. His special interest areas are criminal justice, the penal system, and criminology.

    He speaks English and French.

    Fields of law → Criminal Law

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    Phone 030 23 56 44 36